Caroline Morjaen

Belgian endive and pomegranate salad

At our home, we’re fond of Belgian endive. My son mainly likes it in salads but I love it raw, sautéed, in an omelet, in stews, etc.

This salad is a perfect combination of tastes. The sweetness of the fruit reduces the bitterness of the endive.

It is easy to prepare, very yummy and oooh so healthy!

Health benefits:

The pomegranate seeds are packed with vitamin C, E and K and lots of fibers. They are great antioxidants, reduce inflammation and high blood pressure and recent studies show they may help prevent prostate cancer.

Belgian endive is rich in fiber and several micronutrients including potassium, calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin K. 

It aids in cancer prevention, it is a great support for your liver (all bitter veggies are!) and helps reduce blood pressure.

5 min



– 2 heads of “Belgian” endive
– seeds of 1/2 pomegranate
– salt, pepper, olive oil, coriander (optional)



  1. Cut the heads in 2 and take out the hard middle part. 
  2. Cut the half stumps into small pieces.
  3. Season with salt and pepper and add a generous amount of olive oil.
  4. Mix in the pomegranate seeds and finish with coriander. 

Additional tip: depending on the season you can replace the pomegranate seeds with other fruits like figs, watermelon or strawberries.